About Me

Hello! I am Mohammad Naeimi. A curious computer engineer, eager to apply my analytical skills and passion for programming to AI/ML and data science. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science Lab, at Amirkabir University of Technology, one of Iran's top universities. My bachelor's at Isfahan University of Technology sparked my interest in leveraging large datasets to gain actionable insights. Outside of my academic education, I stay up to the latest technologies by taking online classes, reading academic papers, and learning new programming languages. I'm a team player who loves collaborating, but I can also work independently to solve complex problems. Always excited to take on new challenges and quickly master new skills. In my free time, you can find me cycling, swimming, or watching movies.

Persian: Native Proficiency
English: Full Professional Proficiency
French: Elementary Proficiency

2022 - Expected in 2024

Master's Degree

Master of Science in Computer Software Engineering

Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic

• One of the Top Universities in IRAN: U.S. News, Times, QS
• Thesis Title: Improving Music Recommender Systems Using Hybrid Methods
• Under the Supervision of Dr. Mostafa H. Chehreghani

• Institutional Email: mohammad.naeimi@aut.ac.ir

2018 - 2022

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)

• One of the Top Universities in IRAN: U.S. News, Times
• Thesis Title: Converting Genome to Gene Expression in Cancer Cells with CycleGAN
• Under the Supervision of Dr. Mohammad Hossein Manshaei & Dr. Mehran Safayani

• Institutional Email: mnaeimi@alumni.iut.ac.ir

2013 - 2017

High School Diploma

High School Diploma in Natural Sciences

National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET)

Research Interests
AI/Machine Learning
IR/Recommender Systems
Natural Language Processing
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
Large Language Models (LLMs)
Deep Learning & Neural Networksy
Professional Skills

Knowledge: Algorithms, AI/ML/DL, Data Science, Recommender Systems, NLP, Information Retrieval, GANs, GNNs
Programming: Python (Advanced), JavaScript/TypeScript (Advanced), C/C++ (Intermediate), SQL (Intermediate), PHP (Basic)
Frameworks/Libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, NLTK, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib
Web Development: NodeJS, AdonisJS, NestJS, Django
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Metabase, Redis, MongoDB
Technologies: GIT, Docker, LaTeX
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Kali)
Soft Skills: Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Responsibility, Communication, Flexibility, Creativity
Languages: Persian (Native Proficiency), English (Full Professional Proficiency), French (Elementary Proficiency)
Work Experience

May 2021
September 2022

Back-end Developer

MATNO Company

  • Tasks: Back-end Projects, Web Scraping, Telegram Bot, SQL & No-SQL Databases
  • Skills: Programming, Web Development, Teamwork, Problem‑Solving, Responsibility, Communication
  • Web Development Tools:
    • NodeJS, Docker, GIT
    • Frameworks: NestJS, AdonisJS, ExpressJS, Django
    • Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
Research Experience
Research Assistant

Data Science Research Group

Under the Supervision of Dr. Mostafa H. Chehreghani

  • Conduct Research, Develop & implement AI Models, Compile results, Provide progress reports
  • Machine Learning, Data Science, Recommender Systems, Graph Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing
  • Improving Music Recommender Systems Using Hybrid Methods
  • In this ongoing research, I leverage hybrid recommendation methods and incorporate diverse side information to improve the fairness and performance metrics of music recommender systems. A key aspect of my approach involves utilizing NLP-extracted features derived from the lyrics of music as valuable side information. By integrating these linguistic insights, I aim to deepen the understanding of user preferences and, consequently, provide more accurate and personalized music recommendations. This project demonstrates how innovative approaches can be used to optimize recommender systems.

March 2022
September 2022

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Game Theory and Mechanism Design (GTMD) Research Laboratory

Under the Supervision of Dr. Mohammad Hossein Manshaei

  • Conduct Research, Program & Run AI Models, Summarize Findings, Prepare Progress Reports
  • Deep Learning, Data Science, Generative Adversarial Networks, Computational Biology, Image Processing
  • Converting Genome to Gene Expression in Cancer Cells with CycleGAN
  • For this project, I leveraged two critical datasets from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project—namely, the gene expression dataset and the somatic mutation dataset (SNP). Employing a cutting-edge method known as DeepInsight, I transformed these datasets into image representations. Subsequently, by implementing a robust CycleGAN and rigorously testing its functionality, I utilized the transformed images derived from the TCGA datasets as the training data. My objective was to achieve a meaningful conversion between the two distinct dataset domains, thereby contributing to the advancement of understanding gene expression patterns in cancer cells.

March 2021
August 2021

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Under the Supervision of Dr. Mohammad Reza Heidarpour

  • Conduct Research, Run Simulations, Summarize Findings, Prepare Progress Reports
  • Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Microprocessors
  • Porting FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi 3B (Simulating & Porting FreeRTOS)
  • I actively contributed to the FreeRTOS Porting project, demonstrating my proficiency in embedded systems and real-time operating systems. I successfully simulated FreeRTOS and executed a porting onto the ATmega32 microcontroller. Subsequently, in this project we launched the real-time operating system, FreeRTOS, on Raspberry Pi 3B. After running the test scenarios, we collect the results table and investigate the processing status of this operating system. Calculating the processing power of the combination of the FreeRTOS operating system and different hardwares can be used in various applications.

Teaching Experience

February 2024
July 2024

Teaching Assistant of Natural Language Processing Course

Under the Supervision of Dr. Saeedeh Momtazi

  • Teach & Troubleshoot Students, Design Assignments & Projects, Grade Assignments & Projects
  • Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Programming
    • AI/Machine Learning
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    • Language Models
    • Data Analysis

September 2023
February 2024

Teaching Assistant of Web Search & Information Retrieval Course

Under the Supervision of Dr. Saeedeh Momtazi

  • Teach & Troubleshoot Students, Design Assignments & Projects, Grade Assignments & Projects
  • Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Programming
    • AI/Machine Learning
    • Information Retrieval
    • Recommender Systems
    • Data Analysis

September 2021
January 2022

Teaching Assistant of Operating Systems Course

Under the Supervision of Dr. Mohammad Reza Heidarpour

  • Teach & Troubleshoot Students, Design Assignments & Projects, Grade Assignments & Projects
  • Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Programming
    • Operating Systems
    • Algorithms
    • Linux
    • LaTeX

March 2021
July 2021

Teaching Assistant of Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Under the Supervision of Dr. Zeinab Maleki

  • Teach & Troubleshoot Students, Design Assignments & Projects, Grade Assignments & Projects
  • Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Programming
    • Algorithms
    • Data Structures
    • LaTeX

September 2019
January 2020

Teaching Assistant of Basic Programming

Under the Supervision of Dr. Elham Mahmoudzadeh

  • Teach & Troubleshoot Students, Design Assignments & Projects, Grade Assignments & Projects
  • Skills:
    • Teaching
    • Programming
    • Algorithms
    • C/C++
Contact Me
Please feel free to contact me